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Moore: Nice Info on NCCI's Injury Characteristics Dashboard: [2024-02-20]

The National Council on Compensation Insurance's Injury Characteristics & Insights Dashboard contains a huge amount of good info for risk managers.

James Moore

James Moore

Usually, I find most statistical dashboards with limited info that may be hard to decipher.  This dashboard is one to check out for sure. You can find it by clicking here.

The dashboard provides:

  • Key insights that highlight the latest industry trends on the characteristics that underlie workplace injuries. Stakeholders can use them to benchmark against their own book of business to identify opportunities for improving workplace safety, preventing injuries and possibly influencing the outcomes.
  • An overview of which injuries are the most common versus those that are the most costly, as well as how injuries are changing over time.
  • Ten years of data for a long-term view into how the types of workplace injuries are changing over time.

This example from the dashboard shows an interesting severity statistic that is worth knowing: injury severity by source.

I had always thought that burns were the most severe injury type. I was incorrect. The highest severity of injuries comes as a result of motor vehicle injuries.

Then, when I went back through the old client files, this info was correct. Wow, that is why I will use this dashboard more in the future.

One thing the motor vehicle accident ranking with the highest severity cost shows is the need for workers' comp claims adjusters to heavily investigate subrogation.  

If you decide to use any of this dashboard data for presentations, please make sure you provide a backlink.

This blog post is provided by James Moore, AIC, MBA, ChFC, ARM, and is republished with permission from J&L Risk Management Consultants. Visit the full website at