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Today is Wednesday, September 11, 2024 -


  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court upheld a denial of benefits to a probation officer on his claim of post-traumatic stress disorder from his years of

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court ruled that an employer could not transfer liability for a death benefits claim to the Special Fund for Reopened Cases,

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court ruled that a property owner and construction manager should not have been granted summary judgment dismissing part of a worker’s

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A New York appellate court ruled that a worker was entitled to summary judgment on his Labor Law claim for injuries from a fall down

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A New York appellate court upheld the denial of benefits to a public school principal on the basis that she was not eligible for compensation.

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court threw out as moot a worker’s challenge to the denial of his request for document production from his employer related

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  • State: Iowa
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

The Iowa Supreme Court ruled that an insurance carrier that mistakenly paid benefits to an injured worker could not obtain full reimbursement from the insurer

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A New York appellate court ruled that a worker was not entitled to summary judgment on his Labor Law claim for his injuries from an

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court ruled that a worker was entitled to summary judgment on his Labor Law claim for his fall from a delivery

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  • State: New Jersey
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy appointed Maria Del Valle Koch as director and chief judge of the Division of Workers’ Compensation.

Judge Maria

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