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Today is Tuesday, September 17, 2024 -


  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court upheld the dismissal of a worker’s Labor Law claim based on his injuries from cleaning the windows of a retail

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A New York appellate court reinstated a temporary employee’s claim against his employer’s client for injuries.

Case: Taylor v. Piatkowski Riteway Meats Inc., No. 36

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  • State: Nebraska
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

The Nebraska Supreme Court overturned an order directing an employer to either build or purchase a handicap-accessible home for a worker who lost his leg

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A New York appellate court partially revived a worker’s lawsuit for damages for her injuries in a car accident caused by a co-worker who turned in front of

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court ruled that an injured worker was properly allowed to proceed with most of his claims based on an accident at

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  • State: Iowa
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

The Iowa Court of Appeals upheld a denial of benefits to a worker for her alleged cumulative trauma injury to her arm and wrist, finding

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court ruled that the attorneys for an injured worker who belatedly filed a notice of claim due to a misunderstanding about

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A New York appellate court threw out a worker’s malpractice suit against his former attorney, finding the lawyer's alleged failure to conduct adequate discovery had not

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  • State: Illinois
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

The Illinois Appellate Court overturned an award of costs and fees to business groups for their efforts to prohibit the Workers’ Compensation Commission from enforcing benefits

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A New York appellate court upheld the dismissal of a worker’s claim for hearing loss against an alleged supervisor for a construction project.

Case: Kauffman

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