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Today is Tuesday, September 17, 2024 -


  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

The New York State Inspector General’s Office announced that a drywall installer was ordered to pay more than $60,000 in restitution after pleading guilty to

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A New York appellate court ruled that a gravedigger failed to state a viable claim for the intentional infliction of emotional distress and constructive discharge

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court ruled that a trial court justice should not have dismissed a worker’s declaratory judgment action seeking a determination of whether

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  • State: Vermont
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

The Vermont Supreme Court ruled that a 2014 amendment to the statutory definition of permanent total disability from a head injury applies retroactively.

Case: West

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  • State: Wisconsin
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

Church Mutual Insurance Co. announced the promotion of Alan Ogilvie to executive vice president.

Alan Ogilvie

Ogilvie continued serving in his role

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  • State: Ohio
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

An Ohio appellate court ruled that an employer was not entitled to mandamus relief overturning an award of benefits to a worker who had refused

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court ruled that a worker was entitled to summary judgment on his Labor Law claim for his injuries from a fall

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  • State: New York
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

A New York appellate court ruled that a homeowner was entitled to summary judgment dismissing a lawsuit filed by his son-in-law seeking damages for his

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  • State: Minnesota
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal
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Year-to-year workers’ compensation claims filed by city of Minneapolis employees jumped nearly 70% in 2020, according to a report from a local news radio outlet.

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  • State: Wisconsin
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

Church Mutual Insurance Co. on Monday announced plans to open a new location in its home state of Wisconsin, according to a news release.

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