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Industry Insights

Snyder: Health Insurance as an Item of Damage

  • State: California

Future insurance premiums might be a valid component of a settlement evaluation.

Teddy Snyder

Teddy Snyder

If the claimant must now pay premiums that would not be required “but for” the litigated occurrence, a claimant may present this expense as an item for compensation.

Considerations include:

  • What did the claimant pay for health insurance prior to the occurrence?
  • Was the health insurance subsidized as an employment benefit that is no longer available?
  • Is the claimant on Medicare before the normal retirement age as a result of the subject occurrence?
  • Will this settlement disqualify the claimant from receiving public benefits?

The premium is just the starting point. Parties may also calculate deductibles and co-payments, as well as items that may not be within the insurance coverage, such as transportation and home health care.

The cost of health insurance will continue to rise. In coming to an appropriate figure, parties may discuss a cost-of-living adjustment versus a reduction of future cost to present value.

Attorney Teddy Snyder mediates workers' compensation cases throughout California. She can be contacted through

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