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Paradigm Announces Partnership With Shirley Ryan AbilityLab

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Accountable care management firm Paradigm announced a partnership with rehabilitation hospital Shirley Ryan AbilityLab that the companies said seeks to improve outcomes for patients and clients.

Paradigm said in a statement that the organizations will work together to anticipate the recovery trajectories of patients and provide more transparency in the total long-term costs associated with care at the onset of treatment.

“By engaging Shirley Ryan AbilityLab after the initial case assessment, mutual outcome benchmarks can be established related to the cost and recovery, with the ultimate goal of restoring patients’ lives,” the statement reads. “The focus of Paradigm and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab will continue to be on patients’ long-term clinical results, and this collaboration will provide greater transparency for both patients and clients.”

Paradigm is an accountable care management organization headquartered in Walnut Creek, California.

Shirley Ryan AbilityLab is a nonprofit hospital formerly known as the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.

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