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Lawmakers Aim to Expand PTSD Coverage to All Workers

  • State: Connecticut
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Insurance

Connecticut lawmakers are considering bills to extend benefits to all workers in the state for post-traumatic stress injuries and to require employers and insurers to notify injured workers in writing whenever prescription benefits are cut.

Sen. Julie Kushner

Sen. Julie Kushner

Senate Bill 913, by Democratic Sens. Martin Looney and Julie Kushner, would make PTSD injuries compensable for all workers within Connecticut.

Some industry groups oppose the measure, and the legislature’s nonpartisan Office of Fiscal Analysis said SB 913 "will result in a potential cost” to the state and municipalities, according to the Connecticut Business & Industry Association.

The bill, passed by the Senate on Thursday, awaits action in the state House of Representatives.

House Bill 6550, by Democratic Rep. Michael Quinn, would require employers or their insurance carriers to provide a certified letter to injured workers when prescription benefits are reduced. 

The bill also requires administrative law judges to allow workers 15 days to request a hearing before benefits are cut and that such cases are to receive priority.

HB 6550 awaits action by the House.

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