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Woman Dies After Falling Into Meat Grinder

  • State: Pennsylvania
  • Topic: NORTH
  • - Popular with: Legal

A 35-year-old worker was killed this week when she fell into a large meat-grinding machine in Pennsylvania, according to a news report.

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration is investigating after Jill Greninger was killed April 22 at Economy Locker Storage Co. in Muncy Township, near Williamsport. The coroner talked to coworkers who did not witness the accident but heard a noise and found Greninger in the grinder.

“This was a horrible accident,” Lycoming County Coroner Charles E. Kiessling Jr.  told the Williamsport Sun-Gazette. “We don’t know if she fell in, or was pulled in as she was perhaps reaching for something in the grinder, which was about 6 feet off the ground.”

It took volunteer firefighters 45 minutes to disassemble the machine and retrieve the woman's body.

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