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Providers Indicted in Kickback Scheme Filed $240M in Liens

  • State: California
  • Topic: Top
  • - Popular with: Legal
Nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in liens have been filed under the names of two providers, the…

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4 Comments (7 Replies)

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KURT HOFFMAN Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

EAMS lists liens that are paid which have not been withdrawn. In other words, the number of outstanding liens is unknown. $240.68 million in liens could easily be less than $100 million. The time frame of 25 years from 1990-2015 is a long time. It cost money and manpower to withdraw liens that are settled in house. Therefore, medical providers neglect to withdraw them. The grandiose number is absolutely incorrect by at least $100 million or more. The obviously next thought coming to my mind is this Witch Hunt and ramifications of the law being twisted to create criminals. Remember human scum will lie to save themselves and throw others under the bus to deflect blame.

douglas felchlin Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

Why can't you guys just support reform and turn in these crooks and stop pointing fingers at others?

Kevin Yang Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

It says a lot about how broken and corrupt the system is on the applicant side (providers, attorneys, cappers, vendors, etc) when the first commenter is an unabashed apologist for blatant provider fraud.

David Stein Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

Too bad the prosecutors won't risk going after the perps within the WC insurance companies. Its a similar situation to not wanting to prosecute a police officer. But like the Rodney King case leading to the Christopher Commission an arrest or two of insurance execs that lead and profit from these schemes could have a major positive impact on the industry.

Kevin Yang Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

Lol. I was wondering how long it would take for a commenter to blame egregious provider fraud on the "big, bad insurance companies."

Jerry Wells Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

I have an idea: let's agree that all ethical individuals in this industry would welcome aggressive prosecution of ALL fraud. Aren't we all sick of one side predictably pointing to unnamed malfeasance on the other side rather than addressing the corruption at hand? If there is evidence of provider fraud, prosecute it unflaggingly; if there is evidence of insurance fraud, prosecute it unflaggingly. The claims of witchhunts look suspiciously like attempts at diversion.

Kal Attar Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

This is one of the worst analogies I have ever heard in my life. Look I get that you are probably a lien claimant rep who makes a living getting money for unnecessary and mostly useless services...but come on man! Show a bit of objectivity.

David Stein Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

There is evidence of fraud at the insurance companies. Plenty. Marshall/Glover hacking claimant legal files, hiring of judges and other public servants as a kickback for the "right actions" while in office (Das, Foust, Searcy, etc), Proteolin as kickback channel to insurance execs connected to pain creams. Many other examples. Haven't seen aggressive prosecution yet. It would clean things up if it happened though.

Kevin Yang Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

Ok Deep Throat, let me guess, you tried blowing the whistle on the dark cabal of insurance carriers, but then some gentlemen in black van pulled up to your home and muscled you into keep that mouth shut. Now your only way to justice is posting on an infrequently visited internet message board. Engaging stuff. Let's call it "The Comp Insider." Maybe get Russell Crowe to play the lead. He's still working right?

Anonymous Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

onjured JD Theere haavebeen baadactors.All are applicant doctors who ar not in the MPNs.You annot orde that crap and staay in the MPN anymore. Whatwe now have is 2 camps. The first ae denied cases goingto mostly chiros. They are still ordering this junk. Theyarenot in the MPN an don't are. Theyjust file aa lien and waitfor years untilit settle. Thyhope that along the way a QMEAME says the injuryist least partially work relted. Theywill recover something in a few yeaars, and theycn continuee to operateby reciving money frm old liens.
Thother camp is doctorsthat aarein MPNs aandwant to staaythere. Theycan no lnger dipense anything,order cram orDMEs. The arrier ells them who to use forwhat. Theydny most everything and the patients getalmost nothing. For this they are rewarded with less fees, no recrd review, nd no report fees. Theyliv in feaaro being rmovedfrom the MPN who is watchingthem. Thhati what is going on todaay. The solution is not more UR/IMR. Thisisaa failure. The solution is to removetheMPN doctors who gaame thesystm and don't payor compunds, shockwave, etc.. What you don/t understand is that you are aalienatingthegood doctors by tyraanyaand paayment starvation, to the point that most of us areready to top treating, aand thenyou will only haave the bad actors

John Hill Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

That is what the MPN wants. That is what ALL ICs want. Doctors who will shut the F***-up and not cost them any $$$$$. Its all about the Benjamins!


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