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Uwaydah Not in Custody, Judge Unseals Grand Jury Testimony

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The alleged mastermind of what Los Angeles County prosecutors say is the largest insurance fraud scheme in the history of California remains at-large.

Dr. Munir Uwaydah

Dr. Munir Uwaydah

Dr. Munir Uwaydah has reportedly been out of the country since one of his former employees was arrested for murder in 2010. The Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office announced the 49-year-old surgeon was arrested in Germany on Sept. 9 and was awaiting extradition to stand trial on an alleged $150 million insurance fraud scheme.

But prosecutors said Tuesday that Uwaydah is not in custody in Germany and his whereabouts remain unknown.

"We were told by the appropriate authorities he was in custody," said Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office spokeswoman Jane Robison. She said she could not comment further.

Uwaydah was one of 15 people indicted by a Los Angeles County grand jury for allegedly paying fees to attorneys and others who referred patients to his Frontline Medical Associates clinics, performing unnecessary surgeries and allowing an assistant to operate on 21 patients.

An attorney who previously represented Uwaydah said at the time prosecutors announced the indictment and arrest that the doctor had not been arrested, but declined to comment further.

Meanwhile, a Los Angeles County judge on Sept. 25 called the allegations in the grand jury indictment "horrible" and made the transcript of the grand jury testimony available to the public, according to the Los Angeles Times.

During a Sept. 25 bail hearing, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Kathleen Kennedy said allegations included allowing a physician's assistant who had not gone to medical school to operate on patients without any oversight.

"Unnecessary surgeries by non-surgeons? That's pretty shocking stuff," the judge said.

Deputy District Attorney Dayan Mathai said the scheme appears to be ongoing, according to the Times. He said during the hearing that Dr. David Johnson's name was used to bill for a procedure purportedly performed on the same day he was arrested for his alleged role.

The Times also reported that Kennedy unsealed the grand jury testimony, providing more detail about patient complaints regarding procedures performed at Uwaydah's clinics. The article does not clarify whether the procedures were performed by Uwaydah or his assistant Peter Nelson, a defendant in the case who is alleged to have performed at least 21 procedures despite his lack of training.

One patient, Jennifer Milone, told the grand jury she awoke from a shoulder surgery in excruciating pain and after six weeks, she returned to the clinic thinking she had gangrene, according to the Los Angeles Times. A physician assistant said it looked like there was still a stitch in her skin.

But instead of removing a stitch, he pulled out 24 inches of gauze that had been left in her shoulder.

Milone said she complained to Uwaydah, who only apologized and said, "Sometimes things happen."

Milone said she didn't think she needed surgery, but agreed to the procedure after speaking with Uwaydah. 

She is not among the 21 patients identified in the indictment as having been operated on by Nelson.

Another patient, Kimberly Pope, said her shoulder surgery performed at Uwaydah's clinic resulted in an infected scar, according to the Los Angeles Times. Pope told the grand jury she called the workers' compensation insurance company and suggested it shouldn't pay for the procedure. 

The Times report did not identify the carrier or what, if anything, it did in response to Pope's complaint.

Pope said she filed a malpractice lawsuit against Uwaydah that she agreed to settle for $10,000. She said she was never paid.

The grand jury testimony also shows anesthesiologist Dr. Edgar Cosme testified about telling Nelson he was not supposed to perform a lumbar fusion. Nelson ignored him and operated for 25 minutes before Uwaydah came in to finish the procedure, according to the Times.

The patient in that procedure, who was not identified in the Times article, said the operation made him worse and left him unable to stand for long periods.


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Lisa DeRitis Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

Stomach turning. Where is the outrage from the WC medical community and CAAA? Greed is a powerful motivator, apparently, so much so that ethics and Hippocratic oaths get tossed aside for the almighty dollar. Injured workers are maimed and employers are robbed so that unscrupulous attorneys/marketers and providers can live the high life. Jail time is too good for these charlatans.

Kevin Yang Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

CAAA and the Southern CA applicant's bar are always silent when their "go-to" applicant PTPs get nailed (sorry, only accused for now) for fraud. Nothing new here. Their mindset is to just move on to the next MD mill, inflate exposure on their cases, and collect at 15% fee. Who's gonna pay for that expensive LA/OC cost-of-living. Am I right?

Anonymous Nov 21, 2016 a 6:49 pm PST

Defense people please step up to the plate. Have any of you notified CA State Medical Board about the group of doctors who were under the Drobot umbrella and who are STILL operating on countless injured workers? Is anyone going to stop these doctors? Shame on CAAA for not supporting the vulnerable patients and remaining silent. Why are they not contacting the medical board about what was done to their clients at PHLB?

Kevin Yang Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

So, applicant attorneys - Who's the next "provider of choice" for all of your cattle . . . . sorry, I mean clients! It was Uwaydah back in the day, then Andrew Jarminski until 2014, and David Johnson until last month. Hmmmm, how about Victor Frankenstein? Probably can't do any worse and I heard he writes a great 100% PD report.

David Stein Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

Zenith investigators deposed Uwaydah in 2008 but found out that he knew too much about what they were doing. To describe them as relieved when he skipped town would be a massive understatement. Uwaydah is a vengeful guy, would love to see him strike a plea to rat out all the others that made millions with him.

WILLIAM YATTAW Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

I'm a bit torn about Uwaydah ever striking a plea deal this guy deserves to be executed. How his alleged hit woman ever got off still amazes me. At least he won't be paying her bail this time. I hope they catch him soon. I wonder who he paid off to get away this time>?

David Stein Nov 3, 2016 a 2:58 pm PDT

He was never in custody. Prosecutors (insurers) just wanted a reason to bring the case and used the Syrian refugee crisis to do so. Probably a ton of Uwaydah's coming in. This way the pressure from injured workers and others can be addressed and Uwaydah is not here to spill the beans. The insurance companies have huge teams monitoring all bills and know who is billing what. They can spot fraud very quickly and yet we have Uwaydah, Ahmed, Drobot, Candyman, Hoffman all billing massive amounts over long periods of time. The Fraud Assessment Committee is a group of people that control the money going out and the money used to fight those who shouldn't be collecting it. Conflict of interest???? Soo Park is not the only one getting kickbacks. Uwaydah is not a good guy by any stretch but stopping him is just revenge and won't get to the root of the problem.

Anonymous Nov 21, 2016 a 6:49 pm PST

I absolutely believe there are people paid to look the other way so these types of fraud can continue.I cannot believe no one knew anything was wrong with these types of fraud. The spinal implant pass through fraud went on for years. You would think someone would have I don't know checked to see the legitimacy of the bills submitted by checking with FDA and legitimate implant manufactures. Check every item placed in the body of the injured worker during a surgery from the implant to the bone graft by reviewing the implant log and implant stickers.This is not difficult to do. The insurance side should be checking implant codes, bone graft codes, spinal cord simulator codes to ensure they are FDA approved and not being used off label and do not have a high incident of complaints filed at FDA. Let injured workers know spinal epidurals are not FDA approved and are being used 'off label'. Find out what products the doctor is using in his epidurals and at what quantities.If you do not protect injured workers from the hacks who will?


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