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WorkCompCentral's EZComp EDEX Features

The following is a list of our exclusive WorkCompCentral EDEX features—useful tools that only WorkCompCentral has to unleash the power of EDEX every day for you.

EZComp EDEX Calendar. Manual practice management is now a thing of the past. Our advanced EDEX Calendar automatically enters any particular case and/or hearing event notices into your personal calendar accessible anywhere via an Internet connection. Additionally, reminders for time sensitive events and case management actions based on the official WCAB data are also generated for your personal calendar for each case you're tracking (e.g. time deadline for filing for reconsideration, or the expiration of the 5 year statute). Now you can rest easy knowing you have the right activities scheduled on the right dates and don't have to worry about missing a critical case date ever again—all automatically.

EZComp Auto-Populate Forms. Using DWC Direct's exclusive features EZComp EDEX users are able to auto-populate OCR forms and e-forms for filing into EAMS. Click here for more information or to find out how EZComp EDEX and DWC Direct partner together to simplify your workers' compensation form processing.

EZComp Archive. Why worry about missed case records, when you can have 24/7 access to all inquiries and notices. Access your archived EDEX data to compare case status, investigations, and current progress.

EZComp Bulk Upload Option. Save time and money with our advanced bulk upload feature. Simply create a "text" file with new line fields and attach the file like you would in an email.


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    IAIABC 110th Convention

    The IAIABC invites you to the IAIABC 110th Convention, "Passport to Solutions". The IAIABC Convent …

  • Oct 20-22, 2024

    NAOHP 2024 Annual Conference

    Join us for the 2024 Annual Conference hosted by the National Association of Occupational Health P …

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Greenwich, CT 06836
(805) 484-0333